

Welcome to The Costume Page, my personal library of costume and costuming-related links. I'm sharing it for the benefit of those who study and/or make costumes: costumers, students, historical re-enactors, science fiction fans, professionals, amateurs, dancers, theatrical costumers, trick-or-treaters, writers, researchers, and all those interested in fashion, textile art, and costume history.

There are over 1,000 unique links listed on these pages. Some of them cover more than one area of interest. I recommend projektarbeit schreiben lassen that you browse through all sections of The Costume Page if you don't immediately find what you're seeking. I've tried to cross-reference where possible, but you're likely to find some additional gems if you dig!

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START: Reference Works & Museums

WebCrawler Select Northwest Brigade Club: Worth the Trip A CJ Lutz Fashion Page With Hearts: *** Yahoo
Science Fiction Resource Guide: Fandom World Wide Arts Resources Clearinghouse Approved SIMPLICITER - Excellence Without Excess WOW! Index of Articles
Medaille D'Or Award The Info Service Luckman 4-Star Award WriteIt's Wroost: Featured Site Education Index Top Site
Above and Beyond Past Cool Site SCI-FInder Recommended by the History Channel Angel of Fashion Award Magellan 4-Star Site


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